Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last Night A DJ Saved My Life!!!

...and I mean that in a "If God is a DJ" type of way.

So last night, my mom, my bro, and I were on our way home. It was a pretty long ride, it was cold, and snowing, and me being the chronic sleeper that I am, I was sleep within the first 10 minutes. Fast forward to about 30 minutes later, and we were still about 30 minutes away from our house, I wake up to our car heading toward the edge of a bridge, then somehow being thrown back into the middle of the street doing donuts in the middle of traffic, and finally going across the median onto the opposite side of the street...and then it just stopped.

Don't ask me how...I have no idea.

All I know is that we somehow got out of this...no one was hurt...the car was a little messed up, but nothing serious.

I'm just saying...God is real, and I do Believe.

Monday, November 16, 2009


...I decided to stop procrastinating and write the 12 page paper that's due for my senior seminar class. When is it due? Tomorrow (well technically today) @ 12:30. How much have I completed? Two pages!

Plz excuse me while I slap myself.

I'm back. Anyway I've decided to unfriend my life long partner in crime called procrastination. I would write more, but I AM writing a paper that kinda determines if I graduate in May, so...


Thursday, November 12, 2009


We are having a flippin Nor'easter storm. Prior to Tuesday, I had never even heard of this, ever. Its pretty much a hurricane. The streets are flooded, the wind is disrespecting my entire EXISTENCE, and my school, Hampton University just called me and told me that we have class tomorrow at 10am.

Clearly they must not know.

Like all things HU, the powers that be seem to be have this all effed up. Why would they assume that anyone would actually endure this and come to class. Honestly I dont care why, because I know I won't be there. You should follow suit...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"I don't care about your existence"

So I told someone this...along with a bunch of other stuff that was pretty much synonymous to the above statement. Why would I say this? Because I meant it...and it was true, and sometimes you have to give people the truth.

But there's a story in here somewhere. Here's what happened.

One of my best male friends, has a girlfriend, lets call her The Plague. Now originally, my friends and I were extremely happy for him when he started dating her last semester. Not because we knew/liked The Plague, but because our friend was in a relationship and he was happy. So two weeks into the relationship, The Plague starts showing a lot of characteristics that resemble a psychotic b****, but again, our friend was happy (or at least thats what he said) so we ignored it, or at least I did because really, its not like I have to deal with her on a day to day basis. So we reach out to the girl, we want to like her, we want her to feel comfortable around us. But this chick is the "I-don't-want-you-to-have-any-friends-outside-of-me- especially-not-female-friends-so-watch-me-sabotage-and-destroy-any-meaningful-friendships-you-may-have-and-turn-you-into-my-slave" type. So what do I do? I keep ignoring it, his relationship, not mine, right?

Until The Plague starts dragging me into her drama...and then I felt forced to let this female know who she was f'n with...

Needless to say, that ish never happened again. But now, my friend is all, "I need you guys to get along for the sake of my sanity blah blah blah" (I mean, thats how it starts to sound after you keep hearing it over and over again) But the funny thing is, its not like I hate the girl. And as far as I'm concerned, the fact that we can walk past each other and not go crazy, is about as much as we will ever get along. (Now if she just so happens to stumble across this, that might change lol) I can't control the fact that my friend wants to date The Plague. Is it sad? Yes. But what can I do? Nothing. To put it simply, it just is what it is....